Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weird Fish With Transparent Head : Macropinna microstoma
Even the phrase “seeing is believing” is not enough when looking at this astonishing fish! Meet Macropinna microstoma, commonly known as the “barreleye”. Barreleye fish have a transparent head like a fighter-plane cockpit with large internal eyes that are able to look upward. Living at depths of 600 to 800 meters below the surface, these ultra-sensitive eyes help these fish search for the faint silhouettes of prey overhead.

Awesome Photography : 'Eiffel Tower Electrocuted'
Illuminated in vivid blue and dwarfing neighbouring buildings, the Eiffel Tower’s impact on the Paris skyline was already dramatic......
But Mother Nature clearly felt she could lend the scene a little added pizzazz. This remarkable shot of a forked lightning bolt streaking through the sky behind the 1,063ft iron tower was captured by amateur photographer Bertrand Kulik.

The Giant Amazon Water Lily (Victoria Amazonica) is found growing naturally in the region of central Brazil known as Amazonia. Victoria amazonica has a leaf that is up to 3 m (9.8 ft) in diameter, on a stalk 7–8 m (22.9-26.2 ft) in length

At under 13 millimeters, SATOMI'S PYGMY SEAHORSE is one of the world's smallest seahorse. With their tails stretched out straight, two Satomi's pygmy seahorses would fit head-to-head across the face of a penny. The minuscule male seahorse gives birth to tiny offspring, each about the size of a 12-point apostrophe.

Jelly fish and starfish have a cluster of nerves called GANGLIA... that act as a brain, but none of the above have either a heart nor a brain.

Roll clouds are just one of the weird weather phenomenon that can happen when winds go wild.
Roll clouds are a type of arcus cloud, which is a category of low cloud formations. Sinking cold air causes warm, moist air on the planet’s surface to climb to higher altitudes, where the moisture condenses into cloud form.

With a stylish design and wireless Bluetooth connectivity with your iPod and iPhone, the iRing allows you to control playback and volume on any of your Apple media devices. iRing features a bright OLED status display with touch-sensitive function strip, and a rechargeable battery life of up to 2 days. It will be released soon !!!!

The carpeting design inside Paris' "FNAC AT LA DEFENSE"!! and by the way the floor is pure Flat !!!!!

Sharp turns and wild nature have put the Atlantic Road at the top of the British newspaper - The Guardian's list of the world's best road trips. Atlantic Ocean Road takes you over 8 brigdes from ISLET to islet out to the very point where the land ends and the ocean begins.

One-Horse Town
In the city of Buford (USA) lives just one person. He works as a janitor and as a mayor. “In Wyoming this counts as a city!”. Buford even has its own web-site ►!
[What happens if he commits a crime, arrests himself, locks himself in jail, and loses the key? Who can help him?]

Lena Pillars. Russia, the Lena River.
Lena Pillars (Russian: Ленские столбы [Lenskiye Stolby]) is the name given to a natural rock formation along the banks of the Lena River in far eastern Siberia. The pillars are 150 to 300 metres (490 to 985 feet) high, and were formed 80 million years ago from Cambrian era sea-basin. This unique ecological and tourism location was submitted as a World Heritage site in 2006. Lena Pillars National Park lies less than a day’s boat ride upriver (south) from the city of Yakutsk, the autonomous capital of the Sakha Republic.

Do Fruits and Veggies Make You More Attractive? 
Eating More Fruits and Vegetables Adds More Red and Yellow Tones to Skin Within 6 Weeks, Study Suggests

Need a new reason
to boost the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet? Consider this: Eating more produce is an all-natural way to make your skin look more attractive, a new study suggests. It's Mother
Nature's way of giving skin a healthy hue. In fact, Scottish researchers suggest that changes
in the redness and yellowness of skin in white
people may be linked to the number of servings
of fruit and vegetables they eat on a daily basis.
These antioxidant-rich foods, which are loaded
with plant-based pigments, seem to affect skin tone. For the study, which appears in the online journal
PLoS ONE, scientists analyzed data from 35 college
students at the University of St. Andrews in
Scotland. The average age was 21. Participants completed food frequency
questionnaires describing how often they ate
certain foods during all three sessions of the
study over a six-week period. On average, the
students ate 3.5 servings of fruit and vegetables
a day. Scientists also measured each person's skin tone
at seven body locations, including the cheeks,
forehead, shoulder, and upper arm, at the
beginning of the study as well as at three weeks
and six weeks.

Posting this health info
Health Benefits of Pomegranate

1.Regular intake of pomegranate juice is highly beneficial for people suffering from heart disorders

2.t has been observed that juice of pomegranate aids in preventing heart attacks and strokes too.

3.Pomegranate juice is very useful for people suffering from diarrhea,but excess consumption may cause constipation.

4.Pomegranate consumption can prevent and slow down Alzheimer’s disease.

5.Researchers have proved that maternal intake of pomegranate juice can protect the neonatal brain from the damage after an injury. 

Ok, heres the fact:
There is a tribe of people living in Zimbabwe known as the Vadoma, that have become known as the “Ostritch People” for the prevalence of electrodactyly in their population. Many of the tribe members are born with fused toes that appear ostritch like. The tribe maintains a consistent population of such births due to their relative isolation. Those with this condition are not
handicapped, and are well integrated into the tribe.

Read more at:


A TOMATO is red and usually has four chambers, just like our heart. Tomatoes are also a great source of lycopene, a plant chemical that reduces the risk of heart disease and several cancers. The Womens Health Study �� an American research programme which tracks the health of 40,000 women �� found women with the highest blood levels of lycopene had 30 per cent less heart disease than women who had very little lycopene. Lab experiments have also shown that lycopene helps counter the effect of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. One Canadian study, published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine, said there was ��convincing vidence that lycopene prevented coronary heart disease

Did you know?

When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. 

KHAANA KABA (Masjid Alharam) it is the only building in the world ,from where no bird passes over the building,No Aeroplane in the Aviation world history is who did fly over this holy building .The direction of this holy building is naturally in such a way that even sun and moon can't stand on it.

Did you know? Gibraltar Airport in British overseas territory of Gibraltar is the only airport in the world - which has runway crossing the express Highway (between Spain & the Island). Traffic lights are used to stop the traffic while an aircraft takes off or lands! British Airways has daily flights here. Absolutely amazing!!

Dead Sea
the water in the Dead Sea is so salty that its easier to float than sink.
  1. The Dead Sea isn’t actually a sea at all! The Dead Sea is a saltwater lake.  
  2. Hence the name, there is no marine life in the Dead Sea. The high mineral and salt content of the waters make it impossible for fish or plants to live.
  3. The Dead Sea is the second saltiest body of water in the world, with a salt content of 33%.
  4. Cleopatra loved the Dead Sea so much, she ordered that cosmetic factories and resorts be built along its shores.
  1. You can lay on the surface of the water without even trying to float. The high salt content makes you buoyant.
  1. Water flows into the Dead Sea from streams and rivers, but does not flow out.
  1. Dead Sea salt is super bitter and not at all like table salt.
  1. The Dead Sea is filled with minerals including calcium, iodine, saline, potassium, and bromide.
  2. The minerals in the Dead Sea all naturally occur within our bodies.
  1. Egyptians used mud from the Dead Sea in their mummification of the deceased.
  1. Centuries ago, one of the popular names of the Dead Sea was “The Stinky Sea”.
  1. Asphalt often rises to the surface of the water in the Dead Sea.  The Greeks called it “Lake Asphaltites” after the strange phenomenon.
  1. The climate of the Dead Sea region is sunny, warm and dry all year round.
  1.  Both Jesus and John the Baptist are closely tied to the Dead Sea in biblical writings.
  1.  In the Bible, it is said that the Dead Sea will one day come alive and fill with marine life.
  1.  The shores of Dead Sea mark the lowest elevation on earth.
  1.  Aristotle wrote about the Dead Sea in his writings.
  1.  During the 20th Century, the “Dead Sea Scrolls” were discovered.  These scrolls are the ancient writings of the Essenes.
  1. The Dead Sea is 3 million years old.
  1. The unique salt in the Dead Sea treats acne, psoriasis, hives, cellulite, dry skin, dandruff, stress, muscle aches, and more.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off!

Camels have 3 eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air......... :)

Most of the "smoke" you see when a space shuttle takes off is actually water vapor.

The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words.

There are giant rats, dubbed HeroRats, that sniff out landmines in Africa and can detect tuberculosis bacteria.
Dr. Alan D. Poling, WMU professor of psychology, is part of a team of specialists working with the non-governmental organization APOPO, which has had considerable success using large African pouched rats to sniff out landmines and tuberculosis bacteria.
Poling says the rodents, dubbed HeroRats, have an acute sense of smell and do well at detecting explosive devices and the live TB bacterium. They're also cheaper to train and maintain than dogs, making them a valuable alternative for landmine detection in developing countries.

using your non-dominant hand to stir your coffee helps train your self-control, a new study suggests.
People who find themselves on the verge of yelling at queue-jumpers or crafty colleagues could be helped by a simple - if slightly odd - exercise. Right handers should get into the habit of using a computer mouse, stirring a cup of coffee or opening a door with their left hand - and left-handers should do the opposite. 
'Training' yourself to use the 'wrong' hand seems to act as practice for other kinds of self control, such as being polite. Just two weeks of the exercises reduce the tendency to act on impulse.
Dr Thomas Denson, of the University of New South Wales, said practising self control is no different from getting better at golf or playing the piano.
In studies he showed people who try to use their non-dominant hand for two weeks keep a lid on their aggression better. So if they are right handed, they are told to use their left hand ‘for pretty much anything that is safe to do,’ he said.
Study by Dr Thomas Denson, of the University of New South Wales
published in the journal 'Current Directions in Psychological Science'
via the dailymail

Keep Walking.....
The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your foot, if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains as you can see the heart is on the left foot. Typically they are shown as points and arrows to show which organ it connects to.

It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to these organs terminate here.
This is covered in great details in Acupressure studies or textbooks.
God created our body so well that he thought of even this. He made us walk so that we will always be pressing these pressure points and thus keeping these organs activated at all times...!! 

Aurora Borealis: Northern Lights in Iceland
Image taken: March 8, 2012 by Jónína Óskarsdóttir
Location: Faskrudsfjordur, Iceland

21 people in a CAR for making World Record..

"the Afghan Mona
This is a picture of a girl from Afghanistan, this picture was taken by the National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry. Sharbat Sugar is one of the girls at the informal school in the refugee camp in Afganistan. Afghan women very rarely given the opportunity to take pictures, but Steve was able to seize opportunities and capture its image. At that time Sharbat was aged 12 years and become the cover of National Geographic next year, and her identity was found in 1992.