Monday, May 7, 2012


The air we breathe is a mixture of mostly nitrogen (78 percent) and some oxygen (21 percent). When you inhale air, your body consumes the oxygen, replaces some of it with carbon dioxide and does nothing with the nitrogen

As you descend under the water, the pressure on your body increases, so more nitrogen and oxygen dissolve in your blood. Most of the oxygen gets consumed by your tissues, but the nitrogen remains dissolved. Increased nitrogen pressure may cause an effect called "nitrogen narcosis".

When the nitrogen partial pressure reaches high levels, usually those experienced when you reach depths of about 100 ft (30 m) or more, you experience a feeling of euphoria called nitrogen narcosis. 

The feeling of euphoria is like that experienced when a dentist or anesthesiologist gives you nitrous oxide (laughing gas). 
Nitrogen narcosis can impair your judgement and make you feel relaxed or even sleepy -- meaning you could start to ignore your instruments, your dive buddy and even drown. 

Narcosis comes on suddenly and without warning, but can be relieved by ascending to a shallower depth because the nitrogen starts to come out of solution as pressure decreases. 

So all who want to try deep water diving please be safe